So with GCSE’s finished and having had my extended and enjoyed summer ,
along follows this little blogging space of mine, and let me just start by saying
that this is a long time coming. I have loved and watched the online beauty
community grow and shine since I was around 11. From ViviannaDoesMakeup to
inthefrow and Caroline Hirons to Zoella
I have been inspired and have built up my passion for all things aesthetically pleasing and creative in the last 6 years, holding out for a time when I knew I
could really go for it with my own blog (minus a little trial back in 2013, google
mizzmagnifique for a blast in the past, it’s chuckle worthy!) Skip to now and
here we are Winging It is born, appropriately named as I am just going to go
with what happens and hope you enjoy reading this and of course because one can’t
resist a classic wing with their eyeliner.
Lyl, Mandy xo